Greenland Smart Zone
Embark on a new era of industrial innovation with Greenland Smart Zone, an avant-garde initiative by Greenland
Developers. Strategically located within the Ravi Industrial Zone and seamlessly connected to the Ring Road,
this visionary project offers industrial plots ranging from 10 Marla to 4 Kanals, setting the stage for cutting-edge
industrial development.
Greenland Developers is on a mission for a smarter industry, envisioning a landscape free from smoke and committed to green practices. The entire community is a gated sanctuary, ensuring security and providing a conducive
environment for industries to flourish. A comprehensive range of facilities, including reliable electricity, is meticulously designed to empower businesses and propel them towards prosperity.
This isn’t just an industrial zone; it’s a commitment to redefine the narrative of industrial spaces. Greenland Smart Zone, backed by the expertise of Greenland Developers, is where innovation meets industry, and smart practices lead the way to a sustainable and prosperous future.
Smart Industry
Innovative Landscape